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Financial Resources

Exploring financial support options for a study abroad program can significantly ease the burden of expenses and make the experience more accessible. Here are several avenues to consider when seeking financial aid for studying abroad:

1. Hunter College Resources

Our Education Abroad office offers opportunities for students studying abroad. Click here to learn more. Below is one example:

Richter Scholarship

  • Must demonstrate financial need by providing a copy of your Estimated Family Contribution for the academic year in which you are applying. Learn more about the Estimated Family Contribution, as shown in your FAFSA.
  • 3.2 GPA or higher
  • Available for Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall programs
  • Apply here
Application Deadlines
  • Summer: March 1
  • Fall: May 1
  • Winter: November 1
  • Spring: December 1

Students who receive this scholarship will be asked to provide all of the following during and after their experience:

  • An Instagram takeover during their time abroad
  • A brief written essay describing their study abroad experience
  • 3-5 high-quality photos that can be used in our marketing materials (website, social media, flyers, posters, etc.)

The Richter Scholarship funds are processed through Hunter College’s financial system, and therefore will be applied to students’ existing charges from Hunter College. It will NOT be issued as a check. Awardees should also anticipate several weeks’ processing time for this scholarship, and expect that funds will most likely serve to reimburse expenses already paid.

2. Department Specific Scholarships

The Department of Romance Languages offers a selection of scholarships to students completing French or Spanish majors.

3. National Scholarships

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program

The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, providing them with skills critical to our national security and economic prosperity.

  • Applicant must be eligible for or receiving a Pell grant
  • Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or national

Application Deadline: Typically application deadlines are in early October and early March. Visit the Gilman Scholarship site to view the exact deadlines, along with a detailed list of all eligibility requirements.

Fund for Education Abroad (FEA)

FEA invests in deserving U.S. undergraduates who are least likely to study abroad. We consider financial need, demographic factors, and academic plan and preparedness to determine scholarship recipients.

Application deadlines occur in annual cycles, typically in mid-September and mid-January.

  • Diversity scholarships
  • Needs based scholarships

Visit Fund for Education Abroad Site